ECE 695D: Introduction to Visual Analytics (Fall 2018)



Prof. David Ebert

Silicon Valley Professor of ECE, Purdue University

Director, Purdue Visualization and Analytics Center

Director, Visual Analytics for Command, Control, and Interoperability Environments


Office hours: Mon/Wed 11:30 AM - 12:30 AM

Course Overview

This course will cover topics in visual analytics. The format for the course will be group discussions of papers, lectures by the instructor, and student presentations of papers. There will also be a class project, paper summaries in an annotated bibliography, and a take-home midterm exam. The grading will be based on participation in class, critical assignments, and class projects. Class projects may be done individually or in groups. Projects have the potential of leading to work that forms the basis of an undergraduate research project, Master's thesis, or Ph.D. research topic.


  • Monday, Aug 20: I have created a Blackboard site for the course for distributing the grades.